Results for 'Sanne M. Kröner'

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  1.  25
    How discourses of social vulnerability can influence nurse–patient interactions: A Foucauldian analysis.Sanne M. Kröner & Kirsten Beedholm - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (4):e12309.
    This article uncovers the current discursive practices concerning socially vulnerable people in Danish society. A discourse analytical approach inspired by Michel Foucault, along with contributions from Erving Goffmann's work ‘Stigma’, is utilized throughout the analysis. First, the dominant discursive formations are described across the data material, consisting of sociopolitical and health policy documents. Second, we uncover how problematizations and mechanisms of power along with the emergence of the competition state push socially vulnerable people out into the periphery of society. Finally, (...)
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    Positive Psychological Wellbeing Is Required for Online Self-Help Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain to be Effective.Hester R. Trompetter, Ernst T. Bohlmeijer, Sanne M. A. Lamers & Karlein M. G. Schreurs - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Moral Issues in Soldier Enhancement: Military Physicians’ Perspectives.Eva M. van Baarle, Carlijn Damsté, Sanne A. J. de Bruijn & Gwendolyn C. H. Bakx - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (3):198-209.
    Dealing with soldier enhancement can be challenging for military physicians. As research on the ethics of soldier enhancement is mostly theoretical, this study aims to gain insights into the actual moral issues military physicians encounter, or expect to encounter. To that end, we carried out a qualitative study involving six focus groups of Dutch military physicians (n = 28) in operational roles. The participants voiced their concerns about moral issues concerning soldier enhancement. Based on the group discussions, and using inductive (...)
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    How and Why Do Students Use Learning Strategies? A Mixed Methods Study on Learning Strategies and Desirable Difficulties With Effective Strategy Users.Sanne F. E. Rovers, Renée E. Stalmeijer, Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer, Hans H. C. M. Savelberg & Anique B. H. de Bruin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The association between perceived maternal and paternal psychopathology and depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescent girls.Sanne P. A. Rasing, Daan H. M. Creemers, Jan M. A. M. Janssens & Ron H. J. Scholte - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Effect of Distance on Moral Engagement: Event Related Potentials and Alpha Power are Sensitive to Perspective in a Virtual Shooting Task.Kirsten Petras, Sanne ten Oever & Bernadette M. Jansma - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Early Executive Function at Age Two Predicts Emergent Mathematics and Literacy at Age Five.Hanna Mulder, Josje Verhagen, Sanne H. G. Van der Ven, Pauline L. Slot & Paul P. M. Leseman - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Combining Gamma With Alpha and Beta Power Modulation for Enhanced Cortical Mapping in Patients With Focal Epilepsy.Mario E. Archila-Meléndez, Giancarlo Valente, Erik D. Gommer, João M. Correia, Sanne ten Oever, Judith C. Peters, Joel Reithler, Marc P. H. Hendriks, William Cornejo Ochoa, Olaf E. M. G. Schijns, Jim T. A. Dings, Danny M. W. Hilkman, Rob P. W. Rouhl, Bernadette M. Jansma, Vivianne H. J. M. van Kranen-Mastenbroek & Mark J. Roberts - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    About one third of patients with epilepsy have seizures refractory to the medical treatment. Electrical stimulation mapping is the gold standard for the identification of “eloquent” areas prior to resection of epileptogenic tissue. However, it is time-consuming and may cause undesired side effects. Broadband gamma activity recorded with extraoperative electrocorticography during cognitive tasks may be an alternative to ESM but until now has not proven of definitive clinical value. Considering their role in cognition, the alpha and beta bands could further (...)
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    How Technology Features Influence Public Response to New Agrifood Technologies.Amber Ronteltap, Machiel J. Reinders, Suzanne M. Van Dijk, Sanne Heijting, Ivo A. Van der Lans & Lambertus A. P. Lotz - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (4):643-672.
    New agrifood technologies are often difficult to grasp for the public, which may lead to resistance or even rejection. Insight into which technology features determine public acceptability of the technology could offer guidelines for responsible technology development. This paper systematically assesses the relative importance of specific technology features for consumer response in the agrifood domain in two consecutive studies. Prominent technology features were selected from expert judgment and literature. The effects of these features on consumer evaluation were tested in a (...)
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    Neurocognitive endophenotypes of impulsivity and compulsivity: towards dimensional psychiatry.Trevor W. Robbins, Claire M. Gillan, Dana G. Smith, Sanne de Wit & Karen D. Ersche - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):81-91.
  11. Conversations about the rule of law: the public interest and law's ideals.Sanne Taekema - 2019 - In M. N. S. Sellers, Joshua James Kassner & Colin Starger, The value and purpose of law: essays in honor of M.N.S. Sellers. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Complex Inferential Processes Are Needed for Implicature Comprehension, but Not for Implicature Production.Irene Mognon, Simone A. Sprenger, Sanne J. M. Kuijper & Petra Hendriks - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Upon hearing “Some of Michelangelo’s sculptures are in Rome,” adults can easily generate a scalar implicature and infer that the intended meaning of the utterance corresponds to “Some but not all Michelangelo’s sculptures are in Rome.” Comprehension experiments show that preschoolers struggle with this kind of inference until at least 5 years of age. Surprisingly, the few studies having investigated children’s production of scalar expressions like some and all suggest that production is adult-like already in their third year of life. (...)
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  13.  89
    Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain.Johan J. Bolhuis & Martin Everaert (eds.) - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Scholars have long been captivated by the parallels between birdsong and human speech and language. In this book, leading scholars draw on the latest research to explore what birdsong can tell us about the biology of human speech and language and the consequences for evolutionary biology. They examine the cognitive and neural similarities between birdsong learning and speech and language acquisition, considering vocal imitation, auditory learning, an early vocalization phase, the structural properties of birdsong and human language, and the striking (...)
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    Comment by David M. Craig.David M. Craig - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (1):153-158.
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  15. Satslogik: En Introduktion.Daniel Rönnedal - 2023
    Den här boken är en inledning till den s.k. satslogiken. Satslogiken är en gren av logiken som studerar logiska relationer mellan satser. Boken innehåller fem kapitel. Det första kapitlet är en kort inledning till logik som går igenom några grundläggande logiska begrepp. Vad är logik? Vad menas med ”argument”, ”premiss”, ”slutsats”, ”giltighet” osv.? Kapitel 2 handlar om syntax. Hur är det satslogiska språket uppbyggt och hur förhåller det sig till naturliga språk? Kapitel 3 handlar om semantik. Vad betyder olika symboliska (...)
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  16.  19
    Epistemology of the Quran: Elements of a Virtue Approach to Knowledge and Understanding.M. Ashraf Adeel - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book examines all verses of the Quran involving knowledge related concepts. It begins with the argument that an analysis of the Quranic concept of ignorance points to epistemic virtues that can pave our way towards gaining knowledge and/or understanding. It deals with the Quranic concepts of perceptual, rational, and revelatory knowledge as well as understanding and wisdom in the light of recent discussions in Western analytic epistemology. It also argues that the relevant Quranic verses seem to involve concept of (...)
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  17.  17
    Hermeneutika és demokrácia: tanulmányok Fehér M. István tiszteletére.M. István Fehér & Miklós Nyírő (eds.) - 2017 - Budapest: MTA-ELTE Hermeneutika Kutatócsoport.
  18.  8
    Vāqiʻʹgarāyī dar ʻulūm-i insānī-i Islāmī =.Ibrāhīm Dādjū - 2020 - Tihrān: Sāzmān-i Intishārāt-i Pizhūhishgāh-i Farhang va Andīshah-i Islāmī.
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  19. Aktualʹnye problemy filosofskoĭ nauki.M. A. Abdullaev - 1999 - Makhachkala: [S.N.].
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    Kant and Ghazali: the idea of universality of ethical norms.M. Amin Abdullah - 2000 - Frankfurt: Landeck.
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  21.  42
    The multiple obstacles to encephalization.M. Maurice Abitbol - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):344-345.
  22.  24
    A Demographic Analysis of Consumer Environmental Attitudes about Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Brazil.M. Abreu & J. Lins - 2010 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 15 (2):6-14.
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  23. Dogmy i poisk: sto let diskussiĭ o dialektike v angliĭskoĭ filosofii.M. A. Abramov - 1994 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii.
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    Power relation between tarekat qadiriyah wa naqsyabandiyah (tarekat cukir) and partai persatuan pembangunan (ppp) in jombang, east java.M. Thohar Al Abza, Kamsi Kamsi Kamsi & Nawari Ismail - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):285-306.
    Tarekat teaches its followers not to glorify conglomerates, to keep their distance from leader, and to live in a way of zuhud, including in the matters of politics. But the Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah in Cukir Jombang was actually involved in practical politics as a supporter of Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. This paper, which was written in the form of ethnographic design according to the concept of the power relations of Foucault to find new perspectives about the actions of Tarekat communities (...)
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  25. La reforma en los orígenes de la modernidad.Mª del Rosario Acosta - 2004 - Ideas Y Valores 53 (124):3-34.
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  26. The Capitalist Revolution.M. ADLER - 1957
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  27.  11
    Ėmpiricheskai︠a︡ ėstetika--informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod: materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma = Empirical aesthetics--informational approach: proceedi[n]gs of the interanational symposium.M. N. Afasizhev & V. M. Petrov (eds.) - 1997 - Taganrog: Taganrogskiĭ gos. radiotekhn. universitet.
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  28. Ėstetika Kanta.M. N. Afasizhev - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  29. Kritika burzhuaznykh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva.M. N. Afasizhev - 1984 - Moskva: "Vysshai︠a︡ shkola".
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  30. Economía Política y Lucha Social.M. A. AGUILAR - 1970
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  31.  19
    Performance assessment and analysis of DNS tunneling tools.M. Aiello, A. Merlo & G. Papaleo - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (4):592-602.
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    First-order definability on finite structures.M. Ajtai - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (3):211-225.
  33. Nʹiuton i filosofskie problemy fiziki XX veka.M. D. Akhundov & S. V. Illarionov (eds.) - 1991 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  34. Preryvnoe i nepreryvnoe: materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika.M. D. Akhundov, Mikhail Alekseevich Parni︠u︡k, V. V. Kizima & V. A. Ryzhko (eds.) - 1983 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  35. Isocrates, and Plato on speech, writing, and philosophical rhetoric/M. McCoy.McCoy M. Alcidamas - 2009 - Ancient Philosophy 29 (2):79 - 91.
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    Genealogy as Paradigm:: The Example of Bellerophon.M. Alden - 1996 - Hermes 124 (3):257-263.
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    The Role of Telemachus in the 'Odyssey'.M. Alden - 1987 - Hermes 115 (2):129-137.
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    Kommunikativno-pragmaticheskai︠a︡ semantika: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.M. F. Alefirenko, V. P. Moskvin & R. I. Kudri︠a︡shova (eds.) - 2000 - Volgograd: "Peremena".
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  39. Taz̲kirah-yi Ḥaz̤rat Imām Gh̲azālī.Islām ul-Ḥaq - 1962
  40. Ziad swaidan, Scott J. Vitell, Gregory M. rose and Faye W. Gilbert.Paul M. Gurney & M. Humphreys - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64:421-422.
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  41. Kant, La Religión dentro de los límites de la merá Razón, tr. F. M. Marzoa.F. M. Moliner - 1971 - Kant Studien 62 (3):402.
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  42. Niels Bohr in the darkness and light of soviet philosophy.M. S. - 1966 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (1-4):73 – 93.
    Soviet attitude towards Bohr reflects changes in the ideological approach to science. During the last period before Stalin's death danov proclaimed the campaign against Western influence in Soviet philosophy and science. Nevertheless the physicist M. A. Markov tried to introduce complementarity as a materialistic interpretation of quantum-mechanics in 1948. He was officially condemned. This was followed by a period (1948-54) during which heavy attacks were made against the Copenhagen school. In 1958, after a personal exchange of thoughts with Bohr, academician (...)
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    GAP.7: Reflections and Projections: Challenges to Philosophy.M. Kuhlmann, P. Näger & W. Stelzner - 2011 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (1):177-183.
  44. "You Have Seen Their Faces": Gisèle Freund, Walter Benjamin and Margaret Bourke-White as Headhunters of the Thirties.M. Kay Flavell - manuscript
    “You Have Seen Their Faces”: Gisèle Freund, Walter Benjamin and Margaret Bourke-White as Headhunters of the Thirties -/- Abstract This paper concentrates on one work by each of three authors: Walter Benjamin’s Deutsche Menschen (Germans), an anthology of twenty-five 18th and 19th century German personal letters; Margaret Bourke-White and Erskine Caldwell’s You Have Seen Their Faces; and Gisèle Freund’s collection of photographic portraits of writers and artists, compiled between 1936 and 1939. The purpose of this paper is to compare the (...)
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  45. " Certe Rationem Ordinis non Esse"?: The constitutionality of a rational order of nature in Copernicus, Bruno and Schelling.M. Gerhard - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2):51-67.
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  46. Trois Commentaires anonymes sur le traité de l'Âme d'Aristote, Leuven, Nauwelaerts, 1971.M. Giele, F. Van Steenberghen & B. Bazan - 1971 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 33 (3):584-585.
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  47. Bulletin de Philosophie: IV. - Morale.M. S. Gillet - 1911 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 5:552-578.
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  48. Comptes rendus.M. Gillet - 1965 - Archives de Philosophie 50 (2):147.
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  49. Il fondamento della realtà morale.M. S. Gillet - 1911 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 3:II:196.
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  50. Recensione alla Collana" Vitaemotiva e formazione" a cura di V. Iori.M. Giusti - 2010 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 4 (28):177-180.
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